Monday 25 May 2015

Biggest Morning Tea.

This is a fund raiser for cancer research and has been going for several years during the month of May. Our group of women the Red Hatters had had an invite for the group that helps us start our group. As it was also their tenth birthday the Queen (Maureen) and I felt that we should go.

We had to pay about two months ago $25, bit OTT I thought for morning tea but it was for charity.

Start time was 10.30am so we frocked up, we knew that there were be quite a lot of ladies there from many RH groups and we of course wanted to present at our best.

Time to get out the long purple skirt, the high heels (also in purple) and my purple Chinese silk jacket plus my fancy dancy hat. I don't wear my fancy hat very often as it is a bit too flash for me.I usually throw on a cap or just a head band that meets the criteria for having "red on the head"

One hundred and sixty women were there in all manner of red and purple, amazingly no two outfits were the same, I always find that incredible. There were some amazing hats as well, one group had similar hats, they had made them using a bra as the base. I asked one lady if I could take a photo but silly me, I didn't open the flap on my phone so my photo is a great pic of pink. (the colour of my phone cover)duh!

Cupcakes were on the tables when we found a seat and we helped ourselves to coffee, there were some speeches and then some music, a bit of dancing. Not sure who wants to dance with only women at 11 am in the morning but some did. Caught up with a few that I had meet before, then more food came out sandwiches, hot quiches and sausages rolls followed by pancakes, jam and cream. Too much food really as there was a lot left. I was ready to leave then as it was 12 noon but no, there was more.

Entertainment was a dance troupe from the host group, one lady recited a poem and talked about joining the navy 60 years ago and another talking about Op shop shopping.

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