Tuesday 19 May 2015

East Lake or Dong Hu

We first went to East lake in 2003 and visited a few times since. It has changed over time like everything does but the fundamentals are still there. Dong Hu is the Chinese name, Dong meaning East and Hu meaning lake. I had asked a taxi driver to take us to Dong Hu, it was about 8 kms away. We were chatting and I realised we were going the wrong way. When we were stopped at lights I said again Dong Hu and then used the points of a compass on my hand N,E,S,W. He then repeated Dong Hu and changed lanes and turned in the right direction. Although I know the words my pronunciation is not good, luckily We knew where we should have been going, it was only a couple of kms out of our way, so cost us 12yuan rather than 10.($3 rater than $2.50)
These black covered boats ferry people up and along the lake and traditionally belong to Shaoxing. Interesting thing with these boats they are paddled by foot. The "rowers" are bare foot and use just one foot steer and paddle. Most are operated now by older men but surprisingly there are some young girls who do operate them as well.
It is not a very big lake but considering it in almost the middle of the city it is very peaceful especially on a week day. many local families visit on the weekends and it has become one of the places to visit for holidaying Chinese as well.
The lake can be crossed by foot, several bridges, one that I crossed still hasn't been changed ( I guess it never will as it must be very old). I dont have a photo as I was too busy concentrating on my feet it is reasonably high to allow the boats to go under it and it is steps to the top and then solid rock with no sides, about a metre wide. I was glad to get to the other side and continue walking.
At times the city does hold open air opera there is a stage in the water where the players perform and the audience are in boats on the water. We didnt get the opportunity to see that but I  imagine it was have been amazing with the boats all trying to get the best view.

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