Thursday 28 May 2015

A Surprise.

After getting home from work tonight Warren says to me "Follow me" and he went towards the back door. I wondered what he was up to as I knew he had been out most of the day. As we headed out the back door and onto the patio I was frantically looking around to see what I should be looking at, nope couldn't see anything different.

He walked me round the table and then pointed to our sad looking pot plants and said "Do you see it?"
"It" was a little green tree snake, although it must be over a metre long. He wasnt moving and hasn't moved. He may have died with the cold over night. Warren will check in the morning.
I had not seen one before so up close and personal but I was told earlier in the week that tree snakes love passion fruit vines although he is several metres away from our vine. I was glad that Warren had shown me and that I hadn't suddenly come across him. I know that they are not harmful but just the thought doesn't do much for me.   

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