Monday 18 May 2015

Farmer Brown's Paddock

Yesterday was a motor ride held down at Beaudesert, starting around 8am. This ride is only a one dayer and there is no briefing beforehand except when coming in the gate and handing over the money for the privilege of riding there.

Full weekend rides that we have done have a briefing at a set time and no-one can ride before then, which is usually a start time of nine or ten o'clock.

We left at 7.30am with a view to arrive at nine. Jason and Paulie both live much closer and they were there and set up waiting for us to get there.

I am always amazed at who and what turns up at these things. There are utes and trailers, 4WDs, covered purpose built things, all manner of vehicles all with one thought in mind, get out on the track and blow some cobwebs away.

The short track was short and the boys did it twice before morning tea. I had packed coffee and rolls, pasties and lamingtons. As Warren's bike fits on the camper van we had taken that, handy to tow and then we have the shade of the van when we are there. I took along the computer and finished off some editing work that I have been trying to do for the last few weeks.

The boys decided to go on the long track it was 23 ms and Warren sad they would be about an hour. One hour went then two, many are packing up and leaving, I start packing up our stuff and finally they get back all looking very weary. Not only was it a longer ride it was much much harder. Two hours and forty minutes it took to do 23 kms, there were a few falls along the way.
Not one of our bikes but this was a bike that I saw when we stopped at Maccas on the way home. The guys were back at 2.10pm but the lunch tent had packed up by then so there was no hot food available. We stopped in the nearest township for toilets and food as many others, Warren thought that this bike had probably fallen in one of the creek crossings. 


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