Tuesday 16 September 2014


I spent a fab weekend away with Red Hatters. The theme was Hollywood and dress for Saturday night dinner. The six of us who were going weren't real sure what we were going to do and I suggested a play on words Bollywood. Ideas came thick and fast, as it happened one of the girls was going to India and she offered to buy sari's for us and the head jewellery. We were able to buy glitter slippers and we were set. Cost of outfit was $30 for sari, $6 for jewellery and $5 for the glitter slippers bought at a local chemist.

The above photo is not us but another group before they went for a limo ride, can see the red carpet, the tiaras are out in force.
This is the girls from our group, one joined us late and so there were seven,
just a lucky number as that was how many the limo took. Sari's dont do a great deal for the figure esp if one has a bit of a tum as lots and lots of pleating needs to go at the front.

Seven to nine metres of material are in a sari, we had two dress rehearsals to try to get them right and we starting dressing an hour before the dinner and all helped each other to get into them.

Many of the old actresses made an appearance, they was Cleopatra, Liz Taylor, De Ville and two of her puppies, batman, Lot of laughter and fun.

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