Friday 26 September 2014


I woke up yesterday with a headache and that's unusual for me, I would be lucky/unlucky to have a headache once or twice in a six month period. I realized that I had not been out of the house for three days except to hang washing out or go to the bin. Thought a drive would/could/should solve the problem so suggested to Warren to go somewhere.

Still trying to locate a cafe in Redcliffe that I met some GFs a couple of months ago so that was our plan of attack. I knew that we parked in a shopping centre and walked up a rise past the jetty, Warren found an area that he thought was probably it. Last time the GPS kept telling us to go North when I knew it was South.

Nailed it and oh dear the cafe was called The Rustic Olive not the Soul Food Cafe! I guess not much wonder the GPS was confused.

Food was good, ended up having an early lunch rather than morning tea. On our walk to it, Warren saw a shop and said to me "Look its an Yi Wu (E woo) shop!" Sure enough it was an Yi Wu shop. Yi Wu is where small commodities are made and sold mostly wholesale in China and we had two Yi Wu shops in Shaoxing. It was the place to go to get the little things for our apartments to make them more homely without spending a fortune. We spent quite a bit of time wandering the aisles and looking at things that had been available in China, quite like a trip down memory lane, Warren did buy some occy straps.

Cant leave the sea side without a walk out on the jetty. Wandered past the Bee Gees walk and their statue but I couldn't see what I was taking (it was into the sun so deleted that photo)

Beautiful sunny day our lunch cafe was to the left and I was intrigued by the orange circles in the middle of the photo, they were like a windmill but circular.

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