Tuesday 2 September 2014

Heavens to Betsy!

We were off! Our first move in the caravan nicknamed Maggie. I will buy a plate with the name on it, not sure if it will be an actual number plate or just a wall hanging type thing. Number plates cost upwards of $400 and as I am a cheap skate the jury is definitely still out on that that, Warren says no way that we are spending that type of money when it already has a number plate, we will see!

The name is to compliment our Daughter and Son-in-laws caravan, they bought one and named it Dennis and as we will be travelling with them next year, Maggie is/was Dennis the Menace's friend/cohort, so next year Dennis and Maggie will head out into the great outdoor and follow the black tarmac.

Anyway we hitched the Jeep up to Maggie and surprise surprise everything worked except for one side light which Warren took the cover off and cleaned it, it was a bit (a lot) corroded!

We drove it slowly out the road and it towed well, mirrors needed a bit of adjustment and we went around the big block about eight kms. Then the problem was getting Maggie back into the back yard. Doesn't help that we live on a corner but luckily its not a busy road.
My job was to watch the gate and the side of the house and the eaves.
Only needed a couple of up and backs, the driveway is not that wide. The ladder was in place as Warren had washed the top of Maggie before we took her out.

Ha, now to pack it and take it up the road a couple of hours away and really test her out and see what we have forgotten.

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