Thursday 11 September 2014

A Hoist!

Yesterday at work I was invited along with other teachers and aids to see the hoist in operation. We troop along to the main classroom and and there was a lady from Disability something or other and our student who is in a wheelchair.

Luckily for everyone concerned the hoist has not had to be used but it is needed just in case and we need to know how to operate it. Last term the wheelchair chucked a wobbly and refused to work (its an electric one) and so the student was stuck in the one place until a techo came out. He was only there for an hour and the chair was able to move a little and said student was in his element as he was with older kids for a lesson and loved the attention.

It was quite interesting to see it and learn how to put the sling on and then raise him in the air. Poor kid was a bit embarrassed to have so many teachers/adults around but as he was told we need to know how to assist him when need be. He came to the staff room at the end of the day and said that he needed the bathroom, I volunteered to go but didn't want to be the first one to use the hoist, he assured me that that was not necessary at that time.

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