Monday 22 September 2014

First day of holidays

I feel a little at a loss as house is tidy, thanks to Warren doing the housework when I am at work. Of course there is stuff like bed making, washing that always needs to be done but that doesn't take that long.

I wandered into my sewing room to finished making our dirty laundry draw string bags that I started last week and only got one done. There on my table is at least three projects in various stages plus new material that I haven't done any thing with yet except to wash it.

There and then, I vowed (just to myself) to make and finish at least one item a day, two weeks holiday so should be fourteen articles.

Before lunch, I finished a pair of pants, just needed the hems and the elastic put in the waist band. I sewed up two small jumpers that I had made while watching TV and added a button to a jacket. Four things already!

Now I am on the computer considering what next to make.

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