Friday 19 September 2014

Silent Movies

As part of our weekend, we took a bus to Pomona to the local Majestic Theatre. It is the only silent movie theatre in the world that is still operating. I was surprised to see single chairs set out in rows and thought that the original seats must have been replaced at some stage but not so. We were entertained by a short history of the place and some-one had the idea that if they had seats that could be removed the area could be used for dances and sports as well.

The gut who did the history also did the music, in his top hat and tails he at down to play and the organ music accompanied the silent movies. The first one went for about 30 minutes and was so politically incorrect and I have always though that I don't worry too much about that but it really was just so wrong and only mildly amusing. There was however several of our women who were almost on the floor laughing so much.

The second one was very slapstick but acts or things were repeated many times which I found rather boring. I used to say to my kids once is funny, twice is amusing third or more times just annoying and the same with this. The third movie went for about fifteen minutes and was Laurel and Hardy which I do remember from my childhood days of going to the pictures every week. My dad was one of the film operators so we had to go each week whether we wanted to not. They were a bit funny but not roll around the floor laughing my head off type of funny.

I am glad to have had the opportunity to have been and seen but probably wouldn't go again. We did get Jaffas but on the packet there was a large sign to say they were not suitable for rolling down the aisles!

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