Saturday 27 September 2014

Grand Final day

Warren's team is in the final. Neither of us think they will win though as they had a very hard fought game to win the chance at the final this week. It should be a good game though, I hope so, its disappointing when the grand final which should be the best game of the year turns out to be a run over by one team.

As we are having visitors for dinner, we needed wine and cream, Warren had been to get them and brought home some snacks to chew on while we are watching.

The game was scheduled to start at 1.30pm but its all the prelim stuff with the first bonce happening around 3pm. The TV is warmed up though and ready to go. Tom Jones (thats The Tom Jones) is entertaining the crowd at the moment.

I have corned silverside cooking in the crock pot and I'll prepared the veges for the oven at half time. Cheating with dessert, pulled out a cheesecake from the freezer.

After 5.30pm tonight , footy will be over for five months, what on earth are we going to do on Sat and Sun afternoons with no games to watch?

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