Tuesday 16 September 2014

I took the Jeep on the weekend.

The car (Hyundai) did a bit of a shudder on Thursday morning as so Warren suggested that I take the Jeep for my weekend away as it was an hour and a half drive.

He cleaned and fueled it while I was at work and also added the addresses that I needed for said weekend. I had packed on Thursday night so had a coffee with him, showered and put my stuff in the back. As I hadnt driven the Jeep at night I checked with him where the lights were as the indicator stick is opposite to the Hyundai. That was all good and so I set off.

Arriving at the RSL where every one else was for dinner, one of the other girls had picked up the keys to my room.

The function room was packed and everyone had finished dinner but the wait staff brought me a meal, good music but too loud to chat so after dessert and a quick turn on the dance floor, we set off for our accommodation.

I took two of the girls back with me and when I went to open the back of the Jeep, it wouldnt open, tried again and finally gave up and hauled my bags over the back seat and out the back door.

In daylight I took my keys and checked at the car, thought that I had locked the car and that was why it wouldnt open, no further problem.

Arriving home with more stuff than I left with, the bl....... door wouldnt open again! Then I actually look at the key unlocker thingy and to open the back door, need to press it twice! DUH!

I guess that it was a small hassle and easily fixed or got around but I certainly wont forget that it needs two presses!

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