Saturday 2 August 2014


I was in a store a couple of weeks ago and picked up a couple of long sleeved tops in a sale. With the cooler weather, long sleeved tops was something that I did seem to be slacking in my wardrobe,(I feel that I cant wear the same things all the time like at home!)

Washed them and hung on hangers ready to wear. I got a call to fill in for some-one who was sick at work which meant working a five day week again. On one of those days, I grabbed one of the new tops and pulled it on. Pulled was the correct word as the sleeves were very tight and I knew that it would have been very uncomfortable to wear it all day.
ready to cut

I was having a whinge on the way to work and daughter says why not put a panel in it? I thought about it and decided that I would have a go at doing that as I couldnt wear it as it was. That meant a trip to Spotlight to buy something similar or a contrast. Ended up with black, it had very long cuffs as well. I cut them off, added a piece in the side just above as the the rest of the top is plenty big enough.
 This is the end result with a side panel and cuff in black. I am wearing it today but after the weather on Friday, not sure that I will get much wear out of it for work as the cold seems to have gone. A five dollar top transformed into a wearable piece and it still cost under $10, cheaper than buying at an op shop these days.

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