Tuesday 19 August 2014

I thought I was going nuts

A few months ago I persuaded Warren that it would be better, easier and cheaper to fly to Melbourne rather than drive. Rob will be 40 soon and we are going down to see them. I booked the flights and answered all the questions while Warren wrote the dates on our big calendar.

Had it in the back of my mind when we were going and have reminded people at work that I wont be in next week. I thought that I should get organised as I remembered the day of going and coming back but not the time so yesterday when I had fifteen or twenty minutes to spare, I decided to call up the documents and familiar myself with the time and work out how to get to the and from the airport etc.

Not in travel documents, not a copy on the notice board, not even under stuff on the board. When in doubt, call the expert. "Warren, I should be able to find our travel stuff in downloads shouldn't I?" Yep, I look again and went into a different part of the computer still nothing. Warren is reading my body language and so he come over and offers to look while I go and watch "The Amazing Race" on TV.

He starts asking questions, such as when did you book? I don't know, you were here, it was ages ago. Next, what airline? I don't know, depends who had the better price. What computer did you use? I don't know probably that one. Did you book under your name or mine? I don't know. By then I was starting to wonder did I really book it or did I just look up flights? No, I'm sure I booked and paid it, didn't I?

He cant find anything so I offer to look through bank details and then ring the airline. I am thinking if they still have seats available and how much, after all, I have the time off work and they know we are coming.

I needed to sit down with a clear head by myself and fix it so lunch time was it but I'll just look at my emails first (I know I am a procrastinator)scrolling down my emails, up comes one from Jetstar and says "Vicki, this time next week you will be in Melbourne" another click of the mouse and there is a copy of our itinerary!

That email saved me a couple hours of work and also convinced me that I am not going nuts just yet. Needless to say I printed out two copies just in case.

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