Monday 25 August 2014


Warren has a habit of putting his shopping dockets on the table. I was picking up things for the rubbish and noticed one was for fuel and was interested to see how much to fuel the jeep. Reading it I saw that it also had a loaf of bread, we were out of bread so thought wow he remembered to get bread. Later I was going to make some toast as we now had bread. I had to ask him where he put it, usually bread goes straight in the freezer but it wasn't there.

 He was a bit non- plussed as apparently he hadn't bought any, feeling like I was talking to a child, I said yes you did, its on the docket. No no no he says, just put diesel in, he looked at the docket and said that definitely he had not bought bread. Today after tennis, he dropped in and told the servo that he didn't buy bread but had been charged for it.

They checked the CC video and saw that he had not in actual fact bought bread and they gave him the money back for it, only $2.70 but wrongly charged, a win win.

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