Sunday 31 August 2014

5.30am is not my favoured time

Grrrr the alarm goes at 5.07am as we had to leave at 5.30am, (I always like to have 10 or 15 minutes up my sleeve). Had to have the car at the Airport parking by 6.30/6.45am to check in and then they would drive us to the airport, seeing as we had not been there before and the traffic, we wanted to have a fudge factor.

Everything went as planned and we were at the airport with plenty of time, had HJ's for brekkie, an egg and bacon muffin. Slept for a few minutes on the plane but it was noisy as there were people from a company who were travelling and of course they were dotted around the plane and the conversations went between many seats.

We had hired a car from a company in Melbourne and as they were away from the airport, we needed to ring them and get picked up by the time we walked to the pick up area, we only had to wait  a couple of minutes. It was a little car! the insurance was actually more than hiring the car!

Two hours across the city and a stop for lunch and we were pulling into Rob's. We had to check out the deck that he has built on the side of the house. Wow it was impressive, really dont know how he managed to do it on his own (except for a almost 3 year old "helping") Its all finished except the roof and he is waiting for that to be delivered.

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