Sunday 17 August 2014

Fighting off a cold

Last Saturday I woke up with a slight sore throat, Sunday after we got home from footy I went straight to bed and slept for a couple of hours. Monday I felt okay except that my head was a bit "woody" and my voice sounded as though I had a head cold. Tuesday and Wednesday was about the same, early Thursday morning (around 3am) I really felt awful and didnt think that I would be able to go to work. Warren found some cold tablets that we had used in China.

 They were called in English Black and White, I could never remember the Chinese words for them so I used to go into a chemist shop and walk around all the shelves until I saw the packet. From memory they were about 12 yuan or just over $2. I must have brought them home in our medicine box. I took one and got some sleep and woke up feeling pretty good.

 As I usually get a cough that lingers I also found some Fisherman's Friend lozenges to take with me. Dinner that night was either left overs, pre-packaged meals from the freezer or fish and chips (I was not cooking!) Another early night as the night air had started to get to me and Friday was a better day. Still got a bit of a cough but at least I feel almost 100% and thank goodness, I didn't get the running nose and sneezes that usually accompanies a cold.

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