Wednesday 13 August 2014

A trail run for the Jeep

Of course, Saturday, the first weekend day that we had the Jeep we had to take it out somewhere. We were out of ginger sauce so that was the first port of call, well after we had gone to the shopping centre and Warren got his birthday present, a Tomtom GPS.

It does sound like a truck but once on the main highway, it purrs along nicely. Lot of traffic then we realized that it was a long weekend for Brisbaneites due to the Ekka. It petered out after a while to normal volume of traffic. We had our usual scones, jam and cream with coffee at the Ginger factory. the price is the same $7.50 but I noticed that only one scone is served last year it was two to a serve cause we used to order one and an extra coffee. Still good value. It had started to rain so we bought our usual six bottles of sauce and left o go to Mapleton. Warren wanted to check out a trail bike ride that he had found in one of the magazines.

GPS told us to go a different way that I would have gone but Warren says, lets follow it, it knows where we are going. As he didn't know the name of the place he had just entered Mapleton Forrest road. Oh My Goodness! thank goodness it was a 4WD as one place we had to put it into 4wd then he asks if I wanted to drive! No thanks we would have still be there as some parts we were going travelling about 10 KMH but it was interesting driving through very wooded areas and although it was dirt road and very rutted, it was not the bone shaking ruts. Thank goodness though nothing came the other way. We decided that it was a type of forrest road as no one lived there and I think we were going through National park.

We found the bike area when the trees thinned out and it was about nine kms from Mapleton but most people would come from the other way. There was some young lads there and we asked them what the track was like, they were just packing up their bikes, they reckoned it was pretty good and well signed so we will probably take the bike up one time.

From there we went through Montville, that was very crowded as it s the yuppie place to go on weekends and then came into Maleny for lunch but we couldn't find a park in the main street so we went back to Maleny Cheese and shared an Antipasto plate and a ham and cheese pie. hummmm should have just ordered one thing. We bought some yummy yoghurt to take home, i love going to that area there is just so much to see and spend money on. Great cheeses, milk, yoghurts just to name a few things.

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