Saturday 9 August 2014


I have several scarves that I use summer and winter and I often take them off once I am home and leave them in strange places. Mainly because they don't have an actual "home" once I have worn them. I do have new and unused ones in a new decorative box, many that I bought in China, others were gifts that I haven't used as yet.

Last week Ii did something that I have been thinking about for awhile but just hadn't got around to it. I collected them up and tied them onto a coat hanger and hung that behind the bedroom door. Wow! it took a couple of minutes and now they are all in the same place instead of me going searching for a particular when I want to match an outfit. I am not a morning person so this is a great help!

Some of my tops, I feel are a little low but by adding a scarf takes away that space. I have heaps of necklaces that would do the same thing but I haven't found one yet that sits exactly where I want it to, even the couple of adjustable ones that I own seem to get longer or shorter over wearing time.

The red bag holds my Red Hat sash with badges, it has been missing in action for a few months (because I took it off and forgot where I put it!)

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