Sunday 3 August 2014

Corporate seats at the footy

This year we bought a set of three games to go to see Brisbane's AFL team, the Lions. Sheridan and family were offered tickets and they chose to go last week that same as us, we were going to meet up. Unfortunately two of them were sick and didn't go. Through mobile phones we caught up with them and tried to make our way to find them, not realising at the time that their tickets were in the corporate area.

We climbed the stairs to what we thought would be their area but found we were above them, another phone and it appeared we had to go ut of the grounds and in through another gate. Chris was waiting for us at the gate with the other tickets. Very swish, second tier so above the play but still close enough to see everything and then there was also the big TV screens to watch as well. Their seats were in the front row and we didnt need the cushions that we had taken for our usual seats.

It started to rain and many people left but we didn't, we just put Warren's jackets over our legs and continued to watch. Next thing a security guard was alongside of me, offering me a poncho, apparently it had been left and never collected. I didn't really need it but thanked her and took it anyway, thinking that as she was so nice to come and offer it, I shouldn't knock it back.

The rain lasted for about twenty minutes and there was thunder as well, hail was expected but didn't eventuate thank goodness. The Suns were soundly beaten on the day, we had been hoping that they would win and Ablett was injured so we didn't see him play, maybe next year as he is out for the rest of the year.

One more game of our three which will be next week.

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