Monday 18 August 2014


Our first GPS was a Tomtom which we bought about six years ago. It worked well but the holder gradually wore out and then wouldn't stick to the windscreen. Warren ordered another which had to come from the UK, it wasn't the right fit and so couldn't be used.

Last year when we were going to NZ on a fly drive holiday, to hire a GPS with the car was going to cost $12.50 a day or over $150 for the trip. We saw one advertised that had Oz and NZ maps on it for $79, that was a much better deal, cheaper to start with and then we would have the use of it after and it would stick to the front. The new one was a Navman.

The Navman worked well in NZ and on main roads but it wasn't the best on country roads and we found that it couldn't be upgraded. It also doesn't work that well out of the car and Warren was often heard swearing about the Navman.

When we bought the Jeep I told him he could buy a Tomtom GPS for it and that was his birthday present. He was rapt! It worked well last week and even announced the name of the streets where we needed to turn. It was set up with a woman's voice and we preferred Ken the Australian, Warren said he would change it, but no if we went to Ken, then Ken didn't speak the roads so we have the American woman and giggle at the pronunciation of some of the street names.

Sunday we wanted to go to a cafe at Redcliffe so Warren typed in the cafe, it was Soul something and yes The Soul Cafe came up and he tapped that and we set off. Not sure what was wrong with it but she kept telling us to turn left and then go North. We knew the general direction to get there, south and East so we kept ignoring her and ended up having to turn her off. Oh dear it seems as though the Tomtom is Not always right.

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