Wednesday 11 April 2012

Travelled to Ipswich.

to visit Wim and Rachael yesterday, we havent seen them for over a year but keep in contact by email. Took down a bottle of Chinese wine and tea, unopened that we had been given. Wim also asked for books that I was clearing out so two books of books and a pack of DVDs found a new home. came home with a waterproof jacket for warren and two dozen eggs. Back at work today but got a sleep-in as I didnt need to be there until about 9am. Cooked a chicken casserole for dinner tonight and in keeping with me trying to be more frugal, I also cooked a lasanga and large sausage roll, Dinner wasnt too bad, using the last of the poached chicken with carrots and frozen vege topped off with mashed potato, have enough for lunch tomorrow. Finished the sleeve of my jumper and cast on stiches for the second one, did about 4 inches last night as I sat up and watched an Agatha Christie movie. Yay, tonight Amazing Race is back on but it is late but I do have a late start again tomorrow. Humm, can you use two buts in the one sentence,? dont think so but cant think how to rephrase it.

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