Monday 9 April 2012

Easter Monday

Bit quiet today after the buzz of the weekend so decided to get out and go for a picnic after Warren finished tennis. baked some salmon patties and read some blogs on Simple Savers mainly about the $21 challenge. i really think that I should/could do that so no grogery shopping until next payday, ten days away. I did a little shopping last Tuesday. I dont have many fresh vege but I have some frozen and I also have frozen soups that are full of vegies.
Packing up the picnic, I thought that I could invite the Millers along, that meant extra food so got out sausage rolls from the freezer. It was very nice to be in the fresh air, found a shady spot of the grass to eat. Home now for nana nap/watch footy. Also need to menu plan sort of, out to lunch at Wims so thats one meal out.

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