Saturday 21 April 2012

China, Here we go again!

After having our fingers crossed and hoping, yesterday our complete and proper contracts arrived via email. We printed, signed them and as I write this, are being delivered to Aust Post ready to wing them way back to China. Although we were sent a draft copy to look over and comment on, i didnt expect to have to sign them until we arrived in China. It does seem that they are dotting the i's and crossing the t's better. Starting to think about what we should/could take etc, bearing in mind our 23kgs luggage limit. Warren did suggest the other day that we freight a box of stuff over, probably winter clothes and shoes. Have started a list with vege peeler, decent can opener, promite and disprin on it so far. Bought two stamps the other day, one with "awesome" and the other "great work", the students get a kick out of those and sometimes it helps us to know if we have seen their work, a little sneaky but you gotta do what you gotta do. Need to wreslte them away from Aidan. Havent got a date to start yet, contract just states Sept to Jun. I'm considering just a one way ticket at first, it will be cheaper but more expensive in the long run, maybe a job for later!

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