Monday 30 April 2012


Our new bedroom suite is ready to be picked up so we arranged to do so on Saturday. Not a good day to pick up furniture in the pouring rain so we waited until Sunday. Apparently it was all there except the mirror which they had added in for no more money ( i had jokingly said that i wasn't going to buy it if I had to pay extra for that). When I went to pay the rest of the money, it turned out that it was all there except the bed. I had stripped both beds at home in preparation but hadn't actually moved them as I couldnt do it on my own (warren was organizing the trailer). It started spitting with rain as being loaded into the trailer but the stuff was packaged well. We got two bed side cupboards, tall boy and the cheval mirror plus the free mattress. We got everything in and set up and all our clothes have been transferred. We will be putting the old bedside cupboards on freecycle plus the bed base and new mattress as soon as I can work out how to post it.

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