Friday 20 April 2012

Bought a bike!

warren has been looking for a bike to buy around a thousand dollars but of course at that price, they all needed work. He teaxted me about one that he was keen on but it was $1700. I missed the message and so he rang me to say that he wanted to take a look, I suggested he come down by train, take the car and go that afternoon. he wanted to take the trailer as he was pretty sure he would buy it. Told him to organize F&C so we could go as soon as I got home from work, it was about an hour away. had to raid the bank on the way and yes, he took one look, started it and handed over the money. It does look good and sounds good too, never been reg but everything is there to do so. Chris says that he can get a day permit to go on the fun/fund rides so they are set to go next month. Probably want rego the bike until we come back from China.

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