Saturday 28 April 2012

Down to earth Book

Driving out this morning to go to vote, peeing down rain so we didnt walk like we have in the past, i saw the front door mat was all screwed up, Warren said that it looked like there was a parcel under it. sure enough, it was my book! What a great read although I didnt get to it until mid afternoon. decided to cook pastie slice for lunch and then a lasagne, a vege fritta and a few sausage rolls and finally some salmon cups all while the oven was on. After lunch, I packed it up and took some over to Les as he is recovering from a hip replacement and his wife had hers done yesterday. Anyway back to the book, i have read about half of it and happy to see that they live quite well on $400 a week and even then are able to save. There are some great ideas, tips and recipes. The laundry powder is very much the same as Sheri and I made and i like the look of the soap, think I will try that as soon as I buy a stainless steele pot.

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