Friday 27 April 2012

Busy weekend

Message from Rob to say he's coming for the weekend. Flying in Saturday night, leaving Tuesday with both kids. Saturday saw us cleaning and washing as I didnt know if Lindsay was crawling yet but not used to having a baby in the house. Each break in the footy we did a bit more, walked to the Millers for dinner,(no car, thats a whole other saga!) recorded the night match of footy so watched that while we waited for 1am. I figured that would be about the time if they were coming. It was a bit uncertain as he hadnt booked the tickets when he spoke to us and hadnt let us know either way. car turned in at 12.55am, yes we had visitors. fed Lindsay and finally got to bed around 2am.Twelve for lunch, thirteen really but cant really count Lindsay. Had some wrapped lollies for the kids to have a lolly hunt so Ryan could experience it. Later on in the evening Aidan was watching Rob change Lindsay and was mystifed as to where her winky was, Sheridan explained and then he took great delight in working out who were boys or girls and who had a winky. He stills refers to everyone as he or him but at least he does know who is a boy or girl.

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