Friday 27 April 2012

"Little" Black dress or LBD

I have never had one of those before AND I had just put a "Ban"? on myself to buy no new clothes fpr three months. Last years curfew/ban whatever worked well and had decided to do mit again as I was getting into the habit of "I'll need this in China" huh, I just like buying new stuff. Maureen walked into a shop in Landsborough, it was a little unusual, some clothes, jewellery, nicnaks. She spied a silk looking jacket on top of a long dress and thought that she would try it on as it would be handy to wear to evening things. Took it off the hanger and I am left with the dress which had no price tag, maybe the two went together. Sales lady took some money of each and we ended up with one piece each. Mine is a long sleeveless balck dress which can be used with a light jacket over it and a skivvy under it when the weather changes. Its lightweight and wont crush,a  very versatile outfit for China but I think I may take up the hem. $80 for the two, had been $59 and $39, $30 well spent I think.Ban is back on.

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