Friday 27 April 2012

Sick bay

Got a call from school this am, Aidan wasn't feeling well, could I pick him up. He was lying on his camp bed and was happy to see me. He had a slight temp and looked sorrowful. Started to pick up a bit on the way home, had some apple, got into his new Pjs and went to sleep on the sofa. He wanted his sandwich from school but later told me his head hurt when he went to eat it, I think he may have a sore throat. I found some marshmellows in the cupboard and he had a glass of up and go. Great excitement though, Mr Maker has just come on TV. It was an advert so I offered to check the 'puter to see when he will be back. Colour is coming back into his face and hes talking more. Daddy is also in the sick bay but in his room!

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