Monday 30 April 2012


Our new bedroom suite is ready to be picked up so we arranged to do so on Saturday. Not a good day to pick up furniture in the pouring rain so we waited until Sunday. Apparently it was all there except the mirror which they had added in for no more money ( i had jokingly said that i wasn't going to buy it if I had to pay extra for that). When I went to pay the rest of the money, it turned out that it was all there except the bed. I had stripped both beds at home in preparation but hadn't actually moved them as I couldnt do it on my own (warren was organizing the trailer). It started spitting with rain as being loaded into the trailer but the stuff was packaged well. We got two bed side cupboards, tall boy and the cheval mirror plus the free mattress. We got everything in and set up and all our clothes have been transferred. We will be putting the old bedside cupboards on freecycle plus the bed base and new mattress as soon as I can work out how to post it.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Anzac Day

Warren got up and went to the dawn service at Bribie Island with a couple of friends. I was just surfacing around 7am when he returned, my plan was to make a coffee and go back to bed and read for awhile. Waz did too and slept for about an hour. Jordan had said that he wanted to the service with Chris, had to be up at 3.30am, he did! i think its great that young kids like him are wanting to go, esp to the dawn service. We pottered around the house, football was scheduled for 12.30pm so that was when we were going to have lunch. football did start then but it was Anzac stuff and the game didnt start until almost three. I watched the switch to Anzac Cove and then I went sewing. i had found a shirt that I had cut out and done the neck facing, probably six or seven months ago, I finished it up until the sleeves, hopefully it wont take another six months to completely finish it.

Down to earth Book

Driving out this morning to go to vote, peeing down rain so we didnt walk like we have in the past, i saw the front door mat was all screwed up, Warren said that it looked like there was a parcel under it. sure enough, it was my book! What a great read although I didnt get to it until mid afternoon. decided to cook pastie slice for lunch and then a lasagne, a vege fritta and a few sausage rolls and finally some salmon cups all while the oven was on. After lunch, I packed it up and took some over to Les as he is recovering from a hip replacement and his wife had hers done yesterday. Anyway back to the book, i have read about half of it and happy to see that they live quite well on $400 a week and even then are able to save. There are some great ideas, tips and recipes. The laundry powder is very much the same as Sheri and I made and i like the look of the soap, think I will try that as soon as I buy a stainless steele pot.

Friday 27 April 2012

Sick bay

Got a call from school this am, Aidan wasn't feeling well, could I pick him up. He was lying on his camp bed and was happy to see me. He had a slight temp and looked sorrowful. Started to pick up a bit on the way home, had some apple, got into his new Pjs and went to sleep on the sofa. He wanted his sandwich from school but later told me his head hurt when he went to eat it, I think he may have a sore throat. I found some marshmellows in the cupboard and he had a glass of up and go. Great excitement though, Mr Maker has just come on TV. It was an advert so I offered to check the 'puter to see when he will be back. Colour is coming back into his face and hes talking more. Daddy is also in the sick bay but in his room!

A making day

Yesterday under instructions, I made feta cheese, it was so good! Bit daunting at first as I had to follow a receipe and things were very different to anything that I had done before. While that was on the first cook, Sheri and I made laundry powder, another first for me, we didnt have enough borax, luckily the local IGA had heaps. Measuring it all out, made us cough a bit so I think I would do it outside next time. We also made a household spray and wipe cleaner, I have been using it today and its great, then to finish up Sheri made ricotta out of the whey. Not sure if we saved any money as all up it was about $50 but we had fun and know exactly what is in the products.

Busy weekend

Message from Rob to say he's coming for the weekend. Flying in Saturday night, leaving Tuesday with both kids. Saturday saw us cleaning and washing as I didnt know if Lindsay was crawling yet but not used to having a baby in the house. Each break in the footy we did a bit more, walked to the Millers for dinner,(no car, thats a whole other saga!) recorded the night match of footy so watched that while we waited for 1am. I figured that would be about the time if they were coming. It was a bit uncertain as he hadnt booked the tickets when he spoke to us and hadnt let us know either way. car turned in at 12.55am, yes we had visitors. fed Lindsay and finally got to bed around 2am.Twelve for lunch, thirteen really but cant really count Lindsay. Had some wrapped lollies for the kids to have a lolly hunt so Ryan could experience it. Later on in the evening Aidan was watching Rob change Lindsay and was mystifed as to where her winky was, Sheridan explained and then he took great delight in working out who were boys or girls and who had a winky. He stills refers to everyone as he or him but at least he does know who is a boy or girl.

"Little" Black dress or LBD

I have never had one of those before AND I had just put a "Ban"? on myself to buy no new clothes fpr three months. Last years curfew/ban whatever worked well and had decided to do mit again as I was getting into the habit of "I'll need this in China" huh, I just like buying new stuff. Maureen walked into a shop in Landsborough, it was a little unusual, some clothes, jewellery, nicnaks. She spied a silk looking jacket on top of a long dress and thought that she would try it on as it would be handy to wear to evening things. Took it off the hanger and I am left with the dress which had no price tag, maybe the two went together. Sales lady took some money of each and we ended up with one piece each. Mine is a long sleeveless balck dress which can be used with a light jacket over it and a skivvy under it when the weather changes. Its lightweight and wont crush,a  very versatile outfit for China but I think I may take up the hem. $80 for the two, had been $59 and $39, $30 well spent I think.Ban is back on.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Train travel to Landsborough.

The Queen and I thought it would be good to take a trip by train somewhere have lunch together and then return (for Red Hats) as we like to be prepared for questions and have the answers, we did a reccy. Army training coming into play! Thursday we set off with train timetables organised, we had checked the place out (Mad Hatters Tea House) in Google maps, it said 300 metres from station. After asking three people at various times along the route, all of them were also visitors! Iwent into the BP service centre and got directions, "across the road, around the corner about 100mts". Great! good directions BUT the place was closed, buggar! A worker was there, the place looked guttered but he told us that it would reopen in the next few days. Back we walked to main shops and it was only about a 10 minutes walk and had lunch at the local bakery which had proper pasties. With Maureen and I both being Sth Aussie and brought up with meat pasties, its hard to go past so it was a coffee and  pastie for lunch. Train back was at 1.03 or 2.03, five minutes before the train was due they told us that the 1.03 train was a bus! it took longer by bus as we called into lots of places but it was a quite interesing trip.
June's chatter meet will be there and those who dont want to train it and walk can go by car.

China, Here we go again!

After having our fingers crossed and hoping, yesterday our complete and proper contracts arrived via email. We printed, signed them and as I write this, are being delivered to Aust Post ready to wing them way back to China. Although we were sent a draft copy to look over and comment on, i didnt expect to have to sign them until we arrived in China. It does seem that they are dotting the i's and crossing the t's better. Starting to think about what we should/could take etc, bearing in mind our 23kgs luggage limit. Warren did suggest the other day that we freight a box of stuff over, probably winter clothes and shoes. Have started a list with vege peeler, decent can opener, promite and disprin on it so far. Bought two stamps the other day, one with "awesome" and the other "great work", the students get a kick out of those and sometimes it helps us to know if we have seen their work, a little sneaky but you gotta do what you gotta do. Need to wreslte them away from Aidan. Havent got a date to start yet, contract just states Sept to Jun. I'm considering just a one way ticket at first, it will be cheaper but more expensive in the long run, maybe a job for later!

Friday 20 April 2012

Bought a bike!

warren has been looking for a bike to buy around a thousand dollars but of course at that price, they all needed work. He teaxted me about one that he was keen on but it was $1700. I missed the message and so he rang me to say that he wanted to take a look, I suggested he come down by train, take the car and go that afternoon. he wanted to take the trailer as he was pretty sure he would buy it. Told him to organize F&C so we could go as soon as I got home from work, it was about an hour away. had to raid the bank on the way and yes, he took one look, started it and handed over the money. It does look good and sounds good too, never been reg but everything is there to do so. Chris says that he can get a day permit to go on the fun/fund rides so they are set to go next month. Probably want rego the bike until we come back from China.

Red Hat day

Warren did my work for me so that I could go. We met at the Caboolture Historial village for coffee and scones, i usually take the money at times like these so it means that each one comes to chat to me while paying the money. Its rare that I have to chase anyone for the money, thank goodness as that is not my idea of fun. after I had had my coffee, I moved from the small table to chat to some of the others and talk got around to the movies and overseas travel etc, suddenly it seemed that it was almost 12 o'clock and time to go. Came back to Morayfield shops for lunch as Maureen had to pick up Dave. I chose to have a chinese meal, not that good. Home at 2.30pm did a bit of sewing and computer stuff.

Sunday 15 April 2012

What a week!

It is less than a week since I posted but it seems longer. Back to work on Wednesday, Thursday i took the boys to the movies to see the Lorax, fun movie. I cooked three meals at once on Thursday, Friday we watched Puss in Boots a movie that I had missed seeing when it came out. Better than i expected as sometimes the shorts are the best bits but this one had lots of funny stuff. Got home from work and had trouble with the garage door, it stopped and started, hic-cupped and so on. Thought, buggar another bill, after a few minutes, Judy from across the road walked over and told me that Warren was watching me through their windows and had another zapper for the door, HE was playing with the door. thank goodness, it wasnt a bill. Scales havent been going too good for me so Sat morn I set out for a walk, 3 kms, had to have a nana nap. Nothing on TV and didnt feel like watching two games of footy back to back so went to the movies and saw  something about Marigold hotel. Top movie, laughed and laughed. Quote "When i want your opinion, I'll give it to you". Did another 5 km walk today, scales had better be good tomorrow. Actually did some sewing today, made a towel into four hand wipers as mine is just about had it. Rang Mum and she told my sister to talk to me then Mum hit the wrong button I think and cut me off but she has moved into her room at the hospital and sounded good. 

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Travelled to Ipswich.

to visit Wim and Rachael yesterday, we havent seen them for over a year but keep in contact by email. Took down a bottle of Chinese wine and tea, unopened that we had been given. Wim also asked for books that I was clearing out so two books of books and a pack of DVDs found a new home. came home with a waterproof jacket for warren and two dozen eggs. Back at work today but got a sleep-in as I didnt need to be there until about 9am. Cooked a chicken casserole for dinner tonight and in keeping with me trying to be more frugal, I also cooked a lasanga and large sausage roll, Dinner wasnt too bad, using the last of the poached chicken with carrots and frozen vege topped off with mashed potato, have enough for lunch tomorrow. Finished the sleeve of my jumper and cast on stiches for the second one, did about 4 inches last night as I sat up and watched an Agatha Christie movie. Yay, tonight Amazing Race is back on but it is late but I do have a late start again tomorrow. Humm, can you use two buts in the one sentence,? dont think so but cant think how to rephrase it.

Monday 9 April 2012

Easter Monday

Bit quiet today after the buzz of the weekend so decided to get out and go for a picnic after Warren finished tennis. baked some salmon patties and read some blogs on Simple Savers mainly about the $21 challenge. i really think that I should/could do that so no grogery shopping until next payday, ten days away. I did a little shopping last Tuesday. I dont have many fresh vege but I have some frozen and I also have frozen soups that are full of vegies.
Packing up the picnic, I thought that I could invite the Millers along, that meant extra food so got out sausage rolls from the freezer. It was very nice to be in the fresh air, found a shady spot of the grass to eat. Home now for nana nap/watch footy. Also need to menu plan sort of, out to lunch at Wims so thats one meal out.

Volunteering at the Davis Cup

What a buzz that was, tiring but good. I was glad that I wasnt in the sun all day even though it was hot in the tent at least we were in shade and able to sit down when not busy. The two girls that I worked with were good fun and I got on better with Chey (19) than Karen (late 20's) maybe cos Chey and I were the pleebs and Karen was the supervisor. had a good time and would def do it again, even got the chance to watch a bit of tennis, which was a bonus.

Saturday 7 April 2012

baby sitting/day out Plans changes

Offered to mind other grandsons for a day which required going the day before and staying the night. No way did I want to go down that highway in time for them to go to work. D-I_L was sick so didnt need to go, change of plan, all day in sewing room, phone call changed the plans again. DD rang to ask me to go to maleny to the cheese factory for lunch and then the dairy for a tour. Warren was playing tennis but he decided to go as well so we went under our own steam. Lunch was good and so was the cheese tasting although I didnt try many as cheese is one of my downfalls in the weight stakes. The weather was warm and it was a relaxing day. Warren says yeah, we'll go on the dairy tour. It was a great tour topped off by tasting of flavoured milk, yogurt and custard. I am not a fan of custard but that was good! sewing was put off for another day but at least it is tidier now and so I can actually do something in there.