Tuesday 30 April 2024

Infinity scarves

 This term at crocheting we are having a ladies choice so each week, one of us will bring something along that we have made and show/teach the rest.

I can do the more complex patterns but as I do most of my crocheting while watching TV, I prefer it to be simple and mindless.

I have decided to do some scarves but as infinity ones which they don't have a beginning or end once they are finished. I have made three slightly different.

The yellow one was first, I did a chain for the length that I wanted and then did 10 rows. Joined once done and then it will able to be wound twice around the neck.

The multi coloured one id longer and narrower, only five rows.

The white one was the most painful and took the longest to do, it is Chevron pattern and looks quite Lacey. I made this from the short side first and just kept going until I ran out of wool. Now I just have to write the pattern out.

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