Monday 1 April 2024


 Our first full day in Canberra and we went Bungendore. Bit of a yuppy town or it used to be when we lived here. Canberrians visited on the weekends to see art galleries, pottery places and eateries. It's also on the main road from Canberra to the beach.

I thought it would be quiet being Good Friday, it wasn't! Lots of cars going through as well as foot traffic. 

Our (my) main 9bjective was an adventure lab and a couple of multis. The ad lab was a walk around, then we found a great cafe for lunch. Lucy was sitting under our bench outside until she heard "Order for Lucy" she was out like a shot. 

We got a couple of traditionals and a cute letterbox just outside of Bungendore.

Street art, no explanation, just there.

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