Monday 15 April 2024

Home again

 I can't believe how much the garden has grown since we have been away.

Our banana palms, there are two one was much smaller than the other, now they are the same size

We had a tree here before but it listed badly to one side and appeared to be going to fall on the house. Warren took it out a few months ago and put a palm in its place.

The turumic plant that we have growing purely for the flowers.

Then there is this, not sure what but the flowers are pretty.

This is a garden bed which we put in several years ago and it's the only area that Lucy digs in. Saturday afternoon after we got home, she dug around in here for awhile. Usually she just digs a little dirt to get to the moust dirt underneath as it is cooler but she was full on digging, maybe she thought there was a bone buried there. If I give her a beef or lamb bone, she buried it but not so chicken bones.

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