Thursday 4 April 2024


 It rained and we got a late start. There was mention of Wee Jasper and Tumut, then the skies cleared and plans changed. Boys went walking to One Tree Hill, a nice easy? 8.4 KMs walk, the girls going to Sutton, Gundaroo, Murrumbateman and Hall.

Sutton has a nice bakery and we saw some other catchers there who were on their way home to Sydney. Did a couple of multi caches there which involved getting information from one of the churches and then finding it. They were T3's which usually mean a tree climb and we were in our car that didn't have a ladder in it but luckily they were on a fence post. 

At Gundaroo, we followed a story of a family from years gone by, first the house where they brought up five kids he went to war, WW1, the kids school and finally the century. 

From there we cut across to Murrumbateman and the bush cementry and water tanks mural. Never been to busy cementry, the Lions took it on as a project to clear and keep clean the area as well as the mural.

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