Friday 5 April 2024

Mt Ainslie

 A shopping centre three suburbs over, Sheri needed to get a cord so I went with her as she told me that I would like the art works. 

Mt Ainslie is one of the high spots in Canberra and it overlooks a lot of the city. My memories of the mount part was taking a new car for a test drive. Warren was working overseas and he told me to go a buy a new car. 

No brand or anything just a new car that suited me. I asked a male friend who I had worked with years before to come with me. I knew Wayne knew nothing about cars but I was hoping that the extra support would mean that I didn't get dismissed. 

We looked a few cars and each time Wayne was given the keys to drive even though he had told the salesmen that I was buying it. Did not particularity like any, I had been driving a work car that was a couple of years old and that was what I wanted but the new model was pretty tinny.

Dropped Wayne off and on my way home, I called into a car yard where I used to deliver. The salesman drive me and the car up Mt Ainslie and I was allowed to drive it back to the yard. I bought it on the spot.

The shopping centre is at the base of the mountain and there were cute animals dotted around.

These were tiny frogs on a post with another on top peering over the edge.

Standard crow

Snails were in the forecourt, complete with snail trails. Lots of acorns around on the ground.

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