Thursday 11 April 2024


 We stayed overnight, had a huge thunderstorm and rain. We had started an adventure lab here about three years ago and intended to finish it but the rain kept us inside. 

When leaving the next morning, Warren suggested doing one on the way north, it had to be done in sequence because it followed the Cowra breakout. Cowra had prisoners of war during the WW2 conflict.

This was a replica of one of the water towers. The compound was quite large and held Italian and Japanese prisoners.

 The garrison gates were about 4 KMs away.

Several Japanese soldiers were killed while escaping plus four Aussie soldiers, they were all buried in the war cementry another 4 or 5 KMs away in another direction.

A dedication was done in 1999 from a consignment from Japan, with an alter laid with both Japanese and English language.

Finally to the Peace bell in the main street.
At each place, as people attend a story is told through speakers about the area and what occurred.

There is a quite large Japanese garden in Cowra which we visited a couple of times when living down that way but I didn't know about the rest of the history of Cowra. 

Painted water towers on the way to the compound.

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