Saturday 13 April 2024


 Our last night and a park run. As we were back in Qld, parkrun was a 7am start but we discovered we were only a 3 minute drive away.

Exit gate at caravan park was closed at 5pm and the entrance gate was closed at 8pm, after that a code was needed to get back in the gate. Luckily the exit gate was reopened at 6am so it was an easy drive out from our spot.

Lucy and I took ourselves off to the botanical gardens to find a sculpture our directions said 1km but by the time we got back to parkrun, it was 3.5kms and most runners had finished.

This was what we needed to find,letters and numbers were on the bottom, I assumed it was the artists initials followed by 20, so made in 2020.

We made our way back to camp, Warren did a good time of 37.17 and was first in his age group. I made a second cup of coffee while he had a shower and changed. There was a very small caravan opposite us and they (he) started packing up as I sat down with my coffee. It was a Jpod, looked to only be big enough for a double bed, with the kitchen out the back. He used a rattle gun for the legs, lovely noise they make first thing in the mornings. 

We finished coffee then started packing up, no rush as usual but he pulled out just before us. I reckon it took him about 45 minutes to pack up, so much for compact.

We stopped for a toilet break at Esk on the way home and this minor bird was very interested in the table, we had sat there but didn't have any food so he was hopeful.

Three weeks away, 300 caches found, 3 park runs done and one 10 km walk (Warren in Canberra). 

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