Tuesday 2 April 2024

Billabong pond in Watson ACT

A dog off lead park just across the road. We took a drink and an ice cream to escape the heat. We tried to encourage Lucy to go for a swim but she wasn't having a bar of it. 

Then she followed me around the park and plunged into the reeds and MUD! We were about to leave. Tried to take a photo, she was covered 8n black mud up to her belly.

An interesting feature. We asked a local dog walker if she knew what it was. Yep, it is a stick library. The idea is that people coming across the paddocks collect some sticks and lay across the shelves for dog walkers to throw for their dogs.

This is said pond and no sticks around, I guess because they had been thrown in the water. Very peaceful with a few ducks around.


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