Monday 8 April 2024


 We lived in the next suburb but Dickson was the main shopping area. Woolies, library and post office plus smaller shops. A tradies club across the road where they served great snitzels, quite often hanging over the plate, then it was the different sauces, vege and chips or salad. Don't know if they served anything else.

As well as all the usual stuff it seems Dickson is the place to eat, several Chinese restaurants also Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese, several small cafes.

The Woolies carpark has been taken over by Coles and there is underground parking. We drove in the other and then had to walk with Lucy up the out way as I couldn't see her in a lift or on an escalator.

Lots of trees and we had lunch at one of the cafes, it was a bit chilly under the trees

At least it was cheaper here than on the foreshore a couple of days ago. $41 for two ham and cheese toasties, an 8ced coffee and Warren had an orange juice. I guess that's what the premium rents call for.

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