Wednesday 1 April 2020

Tasmania IS a small place.

We couldn't go too far on Saturday morning as we had to drop the tyre in to be fixed and then collect it when it was ready.

We picked the tyre up and as we had had an early start and only a yukkie coffee at the motel, our next port of was lunch. Still shopping time and parking metres were in force but we had no coin so we have to find a free park which luckily we did half a block from a cafe.

We took a seat and were given menus, then the guy, turned out to be the owner, brought over an oil heater and plugged it in "as we looked cold" we were but didnt realise it showed that much

Nice lunch and we ordered an extra coffee as that was so good and warming. While we were eating, another waitress came through and surprise, surprise she was the receptionist who had booked us in the night before. Sheridan recognized her tattoos and she recognized us as well. She had an unusual accent so I asked where was the accent from. She must have been asked that question before as she asked us where we thought she was from. We had discussed it and thought possibly Belgium or Belarus but she told us she was originally from South Africa.

One of the eating places she had recommended was the Nepali restaurant only a block from the hotel, we were able to thank her and tell her that it was a good meal in both places.

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