Thursday 16 April 2020

That time of the year.

As well as everything else thats happening, we are being urged to have our flu shots. Warren had an appointment at the doctors a week or so ago, just a script renewal and I had said to him that he may as well get his flu shot then.

He forgot to ask about it and so we logged into the clinic. We learnt a few months ago that the practice is so busy with people ringing to make appointments that it is far easier to do it online. We were told that the wait on the phone could be up to 45 minutes and this was way before Corona visis.

It was a twelve day wait for the next available appointment then I realised that Easter was in the middle of that. We were able to get both one after the other.

Tuesday was our day and we got an email in the morning asking if we were still going to have it, yep we were.

First time out of the house for a week and it was easy to get a park. There was a barrier to follow and all had to go through the front door, there are several entrances. Steps on the footpath measuring out the 1.5metres, while a nurse in a mask asking questions about travel, once we were okay there, she took our temps and we were allowed in the centre.

We needed to head to the chemist inside and then see the resident doctor there for a bp check, then next door for our jab. Very fine needle which didn't hurt at all but it has made up for it since. The area is still a little painful two days later.

We took the opportunity to grab some milk and veggies from the meat market next door to the clinic, means that we won't need to go shopping for awhile longer.

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