Thursday 23 April 2020


Not much on TV last night that we wanted to watch so I suggested we watch an episode of Shetland.

This is set around a police officer who is based on the island of Shetland. As some of the language can be a little hard to pivk up some words, we had the sub titles on.

Fiftyfive minutes is an episode and we watch one and then watch a second as in the series prior to this one, we knew that they go over two episodes. Well, at the end of the next one it was still very tangled so we watched a third, then a fourth and fifth. As we told each other, we didnt have to get up for anything the next morning. When we got to the end of the fifth, we did go back to see how many episodes there were and discovered, there was six so only one to go so of course we watched it.

Oh, my goodness, what a tangled web but probably the best series or movie that I have seen in a long time.

We turned the tv off at 1.20am after almost six hours. We usually go to bed about 8.30/9pm.

I feel okay but will be ready for bed early tonight I think, we havent done very much today, keeping a very low profile.

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