Sunday 19 April 2020

Granny square blanket.

I have been working on these for awhile. At first I had trouble getting the square corners and even now they are rounded as I did a single crochet stitch in grey as the last row.

Twenty eight of them start with a square, the second lot of 28 had a circle in the middle then went to a square. That was the harder one to do.

I had a mixture of soft almost like ice cream colours, I feel I could have organised the colours better when I put  them together. I don't think there is two the same.

I did have to redo seven of them, they were in the first batch and I certainly did improve as I went along.

It's smaller than I thought and I could have done more rows around the outside, I did do three rows, yellow, grey and orange.
All rows sewed together, eight by seven.
Taking a breather before starting the next project tomorrow.

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