Monday 13 April 2020


We watched Landline on Sunday while having lunch. Its a good program and of interest to us because we both came from farming backgrounds and it has stories about the rural industry.

Every time we  manage to catch it, I think to myself, we should watch it on a more regular basis. We will see if I remember for next week.

Anyway one of the items was about distilleries, mainly making gin. The closest one to us is only 200k away and we will take a trip down down when things get back to normal. Not that we are gin drinkers but the whole enterprise looked interesting and everything comes either from their farm or neigbouring farmers.

They have several on offer and the most intriguing one I thought was called Ink gin, sells for $82 A bottle, seems expensive but then I don't buy spirits so I don't know how that sits with other spirits. What is fascinating about this one, is that,  it is an inky colour but when a mixer like soda water is added it turns a blush pink. Apparently it is pure science but of course the punters think it is great, I do too.

There are a few local grown distilleries around Rockhampton doing rum, the numbers went from low 20s to 143 at last count. 

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