Wednesday 30 August 2017

Granite Island

Is just off Vancouver and we took the bus there, it seems such a long time ago but it was only Saturday and today is Tuesday.

Great market place for local and tourists, although we didnt buy any produce, only an ice cream for lunch.
We came across a kids playground but with a difference it was all water based and free as far as we could tell.

Heres Warren finishi g his ice cream, I had a kids one, he had a double so I was able to go and take pics.

It was a craft market as well with several of these boats, I think they would have sold them if people wanted one but they seemed to there mainly to drum up people to come and help build them. They were absolutely beautiful ,different types and sizes and even surf boards.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

On our way to Banff

It was going to be a long day from 8am to 6pm in Banff. First stop was at Swan Lake at Vernon. Beautiful fruit, smelled great and they were quite big as well, although we didnt buy any as we had bought some fruit yesterday.
 Then on through the mountains.
I have seen pictures of the Rockies for years but until I have seen them "up close and personal" just couldnt imagine just how massive they are. Seeing where rocks etc have come down. I loved the shelters over the roads, thats where the snow is directed to go over the road and down into the valley, who would have thought?

Plenty of photo opportunies but it is difficult to load on the tablet but i will see what I can do. Ha, the day wasnt as long as we thought as we changed time zones.

We are now in Banff for two nights.

Monday 28 August 2017

Hope Merritt and Kelowna

First day of travel and we were away with five minutes to spare. Our suitcases had to be ready to be picked up by 7 am and all of us to be on the bus at 8.30 am, we rolled out at 8.25.

Morning tea was at Hope, a little town now famous for chainsaw sculptures and there were several dotted around town.

Lunch was at Merritt, stunning scenery all the way along, and we had the choice of Maccas, Tim Hortons or a supermarket. We went to Tim Hortons but there was a massive line up so we went across to the deli in the supermarket and bought cold meat, a massive bread roll that we shared, some cheese and fruit.

Another toilet stop above a lake that I cant spell or say but there was quite a bit if smoke around so no good for photos.

We got into Kelowna about 3 pm and went straight to an organic winery. It was hot and the guide at the winery had us out in the heat while she explained about the wines etc. Everyone was looking for shade, then we walked around and she explaibed the cleaning and process of being organic. A walk to a pryamid which apparently was very dark and had to go uo stairs in the pitch black. I opted out and went to the cafe to buy a drink, nothing for sale but wine! Twenty minutes later the rest came out of the pyramid and went to the tastings, we tasted three wines abd thete was no where to sit so for an hour and a half we stood around.

The bus driver and tour guide went to hotel and organised our rooms and luggage to them, that was excellent.

A couple of restaurants close by and we chose Denny,s next door, we remember going to one of those years ago in Melbourne. We met up with a couple from Innisfail and shared a tqble with them.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Sunset Cruise

We had a nice evening on the water. There were thirteen of us from the tour, plus our tour guide so that made fourteen and we picked up another Cosmos group as well. The boat was pretty full with diners on the bottom floor and the second floor.

Outside could be assessed from both and then there was a bar up on the top floor so three levels in all plus underneath.

Dinner was a buffet affair with salads, pasta and rice dishes plus vegetables, meat was poached salmon and roast beef. I could get used to the salmon very easily. Dessert was cheesecake and fresh fruit.

Morning tour of Vancouver

We had a bus tour of Vancouver this morning  this was the official start to our trip.

Set off at 8.30 am and went downtown, had to make a detour as they are filming a movie here so some roads were blocked off. We were told yesterday that 35000 people from Vancouver are employed in movie making within Vancouver.
First stop was at the totem poles and it was also a coffee stop for Warren and I, we had thought we would get an iced coffee at the gift shop in the lobby. Didnt open till 9.30 am.

We also went through Chinatown and Gastown. Gastown was named after a character Joe some one who was known as Gassy Joe because he was always talking. He bought a barrel of whiskey and told people that if they helped him build a bar they could help him drink the whiskey, the bar was completed in 24 hours.

We travelled further through Stanley Park and went across to Granville Island for a ninety minute stop. Warren and I had discovered two caches on the island so we followed our gps to find them and ended up going to different parts of the island. There was a big market on the island selling all types of things we bought some sandwiches for lunch.

Home by noon, resting this afternoon and we are taking a cruise this evening.
Internet is too slow to add photos so may be able to later.

Arrival in Vancouver Canada

We walked out of race of lines that we had to go throught to see John and Sherrol waiting for us, John had made a placecard with our names on it. Didnt think to take a photo, can blame it on the lack of sleep.
They drove around Vancouver for awhile and then to our hotel.
Yesterday we took the hop on hop off bus that travels around Vancouver for about two and a half hour for a full round trip.

We headed downtown to the steam operated clock, unfortunately for some reason my photos wont load at this point. Next stop was Canada place on the water.
Then we travelled to Stanley park where we walked through the park. Saw raccoons helping themselves to the bins and then a tiny sqirrel.

On one of the trails, we came around a bend on the shade path and there was a big dark shape in front, my first thought? Omg, surely its not a bear! A few steps more and we could see that it was two mounted police. The horses were wearing a horse blanket.

We walked through and past the totem poles as we needed to come back there to catch the bus. Coming back the bus was there so no time to take photos but we thought that our morning trip would go there.

I will try to add photos at a later time

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Mistaken identity

This afternoon we were trying to work out what extra activities we would do on our tour. I hadn't realised that there were extras as Warren has organised this trip, usually its me doing it.

There was a yell of "Warren" that seemed to come from outside. sure enough it was our new back neighbours, it appeared that they had a big dog, a German Shepherd, at their fence. They wondered if it was Max who lives on the other side of us. Very usual that he was out with out his boss.

Warren called to him, "Max" and he followed, stopping at our place to talk to Lucy before continuing on. A few minutes later Warren came back and shut the doors so Lucy couldn't go out. Bronte and Max were with Warren as well as a looklike Max.

These two dogs were very similar but the one that had been out was not Max.

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Luckily Bronte knew where the dog belonged and they put a lead on him and put him back in his yard. The people had moved in a few weeks ago and the fences are quite low in one area, Lucy and I dont walk past there as we figured he would be able to jump, it seems that he can be thankfully he was very docile.

Monday 21 August 2017

A Lions park

I had an early morning appointment this morning and then walked to the rest of the shops. One of our reading lights are broken and i hate reading without so that was on the list this morning to get.

Between my apt place and the shopping centre is a small park, I have often driven past it. It is on a busy intersection where there are lights and I cant recall seeing anyone using it.

I stopped in as it was too early for the shops to be open, wow what a great little place.
Not a terribly good photo but there is the stone bridge and the paved path that goes all round the park, I walked it and it is probably only 250 metres in total. there were a few people walking through as there is a street behind which workers park in and then walk up and through on their way to work.
The bridge from a different angle. There were plaques around in the garden beds of Lion members who had passed away. A very peaceful place.

Saturday 19 August 2017

Crazy weather

It is supposed to be winter here. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were classed as a heat wave. Heat wave in winter? Temps being 31, 33 and 27. Today we woke up to blustery winds and chilly, not sure what the temp was, just trying to stay warm. I wore a jumper all day and this evening we put the A/C on for awhile (on warm).

Wed and Thurs nights we had the bedroom a/c on to sleep, that one is only cooling. I wonder what tomorrow will bring in terms of weather?

Empty freezer

I thought I was good the other night, as we have house sitters coming in, I thought I would clear the top of the fridge freezer stuff so they could use it if they wanted.

As I have been working this last week I was only doing little things towards getting ready for our trip and getting the house organised. I felt that this was something that would only take a few minutes which it did. Felt very pleased with myself and one more job to cross off the list.

I was ready to go to work the next day and while we were sitting over breakfast, Warren says to me "I thought I will go and get another bag of food for Lucy." Yep, great I thought, another thing to cross off the list.

Came home and he showed me the stuff he had bought, besides the dry food he got this. He had bagged it all up into individual bags and put it into my empty fridge freezer. There was also a list on the outside of the freezer to show what was in there, by number so as one is taken out, it can be crossed off.
There is a variety as well, chicken, lamb and beef bones, she certainly wont be starving! I hope the house sitters dont want too much freezer space as the big freezer is pretty full.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Bye Bye Boots.

When i started back at work in 2014, it was winter time and my feet get cold so I bought a pair of boots, just short ankle boots that pulled on. Very comfy and I have worn them each winter since. I knew they were wearing but I was hoping to get this winter out of them as well, after all the cost was so high! $10! I should have bought two pairs.

Last weekend while in Melbourne, I knew it was going to be cold so of course I wore my boots. As I said that were wearing but I didn't realise how much until it rained and water seeped into my feet!

They dried out and i wore them again to work but the damage was done as they had been damp, it ripped the inside stitching. Bummer, so bye bye boots.
I have tried to replace them but nothing comes close so these are my new winter "boots" that I bought when in Canberra earlier this year and until today had not been worn.
There is no tongue as such on them and they were a bit hard to get on until I realised the back strap is there to help pull them on. Thank goodness.

Saturday 12 August 2017

Back at work!

Just for a few days. Three weeks of Thursdays and Fridays which suits me fine, however this week, I have been asked to work Monday as well.

Today was like when I was working full time. The washing needed to be done, some shopping and the vaccumming as well as the general tidying.

I even got some sewing and mending done. I do have a sewing project that I wanted to complete by the end of the weekend, which I havent made a start on yet, although it is cut out.

Relaxing in front of the TV so doubt if I will make any inroads on it tonight but there is always tomorrow.

Friday 11 August 2017

Lucy, one year on.

On my face book feed, a memory from a year ago was of Lucy a day or two after she cam to live with us.

She looks tiny in the photo and scared.

Roll on twelve months and she has just been for her yearly vaccinations. we took her to the same vet who did her de-sexing and first vaccinations.

She is ten kilos heavier and at 23 kilos is a good weight for her breed, she looks more content and much less scared. Warren had to hold her a little as she wanted to come and checkout the camera.

She is better on the car sickness, hadnt been sick in the car for several months until last weekend but that was quite a long trip, nearly two hours in the car. I drive her around home and she is fine but they are only short trips, maybe we need to get her used to longer trips.

Thursday 10 August 2017


Horrible things they are. Lucy and I went out yesterday and walked around the waterways. I was meeting Warren and his tennis friends for lunch. I was early so I went to a park and picked up a cache, one I had tried for before, I must have had better eyes because it was a very quick find and I was still early for lunch.

I had a couple of caches in mind to get on the way home but the first one we couldnt get as there was a big ripper working in the area right where we wanted to go. Not sure if there is a new road going to go through there. The ripper blades was about four metres across and we could see large trees and logs that it had already knocked down.

Next one was a walk into bush for about 80 metres along a bush path, it looked like motorbikes had been going through. Again it was a quick find. Last night I felt an itch on my upper leg, when I looked at it, I could see little legs! Omg, it was a tick!

Warren wasnt home and I didnt really know what to do about it. Welcome Dr Google. Apparently a pair of tweezers are required, grab as close to the head as possible and pull straight out. A couple if pulls and out it came. Then some anticseptic on the area ans all is good. I jumped in the shower and stood under the hot water for awhile as well. A small red spot is all that can be seen now and apparently no longer damage provided it is all removed.

Cant beleive that I got a tick in such a short time in the bush but something to be aware of all the time not just summer.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

St Pauls Cathedral

This is a very imposing building just across from Flinders Street station (railway). I saw it every day when I worked in Melbourne but had never gone into it. It is opened to the public between 9 am and 6 pm.
We talked to a guide and she said that the stained windows came from England but the stone in the pillars were Blue stone and granite which had been sourced from within the state.

It is very impressive and I was happy to note that even though there was a lot of people in there, it had a very calming atmosphere and very quiet.
  • Image result for St Pauls Catheral Melbourne

Riding the trams of Melbourne

Our first morning we went to catch the tram to go to  the conference, only to find that it did not start running until 10 am. This was the free tram which runs around the main outer area of Melbourne city. We walked, it was about a 40 minute walk, reasonably pleasant walk except it was cold.

We caught the tram to go back. They run about every twelve minutes and are the old style trams.
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These are the ones that i remember from when we lived in Melbourne. It was great to hop on and off when needed. 

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  • The more modern ones but needed a card or bus pass to use. We finished early on Sunday and so took a tram all the way around, it was about an hour journey and we saw parts of Melbourne that I hadn't seen before.

Saturday 5 August 2017


For some people who know the name, it conjures up a scary thought. Pentridge was for years the big jail in Melbourne. We visited here last night. Maybe it is the thought if knowing what ut was but it certainly is a menacing looking place. Big thick walls, tiny windows and bars across the windows we could see, barbed wire on top of the walls.
I know it hasnt been used as a prison for many years and I was surprised to see lights in some of the buildings.

Friday 4 August 2017

Off to Melbourne

An early flight 7.55 am, not a problem until there was an incident earlier this week. Four people have been arrested for trying to get on board a plane with makings of a bomb. Security has of course been stepped up and every one flying needs to be at the airport two hours earlier.

So what does that mean for us, need to be there at 6 am, allow one hour to drive there, a half hour fudge factor, alarm set for 3.50 am. O M Goodness, that is an early start but all ready waiting to go, thankfully there are coffee places, even though I had one at home, it does take up some time.

I just hope I have packed enough warm clothes, I didnt check the weather as it will be a shock to the system anyway. I did grab an umbrella from the car, just in case. As Warren said it is Melbourne that we are going to visit and we will be walking everywhere.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

No Dogs allowed.

On my way home yesterday I stopped off at a lake. It is a massive lake and allows motorised craft on it three days a week and non motorised craft on the other four days therefore keeping everyone happy (or not).

We took our kayaks there with family earlier in the year and Lucy. Checked for signs if dogs were allowed or not, didn't see anything, however later when we went for a walk, we did see a small sign inside the park with a dogs outline and a line through it. We kept Lucy on her lead and haven't been back with her.

Two dogs were swimming in the water when I drove in  and they and their families appeared to be having a good time.

As I was leaving and in the car, they all came to their car which was parked next to mine with one empty space in between. One dog shook itself before jumping into the car. They were there for a couple more minutes before driving out. I was checking my phone so stationary.

Now, my thoughts were, do I alert them to the fact that it is an area where no dogs are allowed? I  didn't have a problem with the dogs being there and they were certainly not being a nuisance.  My concern was that if a ranger came through and who knows how often or even if that happens that I would imagine it would be a fairly hefty fine. In the minutes while I was deciding should I say something or not, they drove away.

The last thing I want is to be abused for alerting someone of a wrong doing but on the other hand the sign was very small. Still pondering over what the best thing to do would have been.

What would you have done, alerted them or kept quiet? It is a issue that seems to occur more and more frequent these days, probably not with dogs but in all aspects of life.