Thursday 27 July 2017

What $25 can buy!

On our trip into Brisbane and getting off at central Station, there was an office for Queensland Rail and Warren said we should stop in there one day and find out about pensioner passes now that we qualify. We were walking past the office at the time.

I noticed that there was no customers and said lets drop in now while they are not busy.

Oh my Goodness, the lady at the counter was very helpful and we came away with some brochures to add to our existing pile of travel stuff.

We already get a concession for travel and I think a trip into Brisbane an hour by train, a trip on City Cat and another train in the middle of Brisbane and then finally home, cost us a grand total of $5 each.

That is local travel BUT we are entitled to two trips a year anywhere in Queensland for the sum total of $25!!!!

We could go to Townsville 1400 kms away for $25, out to Longreach about a thousand kms West for $25. We could pay a little extra on both of these and then get a sleeper compartment for $200 which includes all meals if we wanted to go that way.

Now we need to think about where and when to fit in a trip although that which still be available next year. What a lot of travel for $25, definitely going to take it up, sometime or other.

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