Tuesday 11 July 2017

Bus trip to the Ginger factory

An organised trip to one of my favourite places for coffee and scones. As I am not eating things like scones and bread it was only coffee today after I had visited the NutWorks factory across the road.

Lots of different nuts and hand creams etc using nuts, especially the famous macadamia nut. I didn't end of buying any as I would have had to carry it for the rest of the morning. 

Our trip started at 9.30, and we spent two hours there before returning for home at 12.30 pm.

I had a look in the shops at the ginger factory, they always have stuff that is different and I wanted to buy a couple of small things for gifts and felt that I could get something there that would be suitable, which I did.

I also took a walk in the grounds, some areas I didn't go into as it had rained over night and not all the paths are paved. 

Beautiful big trees, although it was cool today it was still very pleasant.
There are a few fountains around and mostly there is a seat nearby so people can just sit and watch the water if they want.
Animal tiles in the main path.
Almost back to the cafe there is this massive tree, I love the way the branches twist and turn.
A nice day out and then three of us had coffee to determine next months outing. A small train goes around the gardens regularly and that is rather fun to do but I have done it before, I prefer to walk the area.

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