Tuesday 18 July 2017

Boomerang bags

This morning I went to a sewing bee. I had heard of these Boomerang bags through an online friend, some-one that I haven't met but "know" through a forum that we are both on. I had stated that I had plenty of fabric but lacked ideas what to make with it.

I was given the website of this organisation, contacted the woman who is running the one closest to me and it was their day to meet today.

Boomerang bags started for people to be given cloth bags to use rather than plastic bags. at first it was expected that people use and bring them back but then it was decided to make them use and reuse. Fabric is donated that would other wise go to landfill so it is a good thing around.
These are the pockets that are sewn on to each one. The local fruit stall uses them and takes several each month. I didn't take my sewing machine this morning as Christine said there were other jobs to do such as cutting out and screen printing.
Luckily there was a machine for me to use as only three people were there this morning and I made three bags while I was there.

As I cant go to the next morning meet, I have brought some pockets home. I told them I had plenty of fabric to use for the bags.

I have done two with other one ready to sew up. This piece will make two and I will have to choose another piece to make the handles. looking forward to reducing my stash of material and for a good cause.

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