Monday 10 July 2017


Dont know what it is but Warren and I have both had trouble sleeping of late. Being in the caravan there is no hassle.

So Warren yesterday suggested that it might be our mattress. Shouldn't be as we replaced in March or around then.

He also went on to suggest that we swap our mattress with the one in the spare room. Luckily they are the same size.

Boy oh boy mattresses are hard to move, its not so much the weigh more the size of them and then also getting them around corners etc.

Anyway we changed them over and we both had a good nights sleep, thank goodness.

The new one that we bought was quite firm across the thicker part of our bodies and Warren felt that he was sleeping on a slight rise with his head and feet hanging down the other side. I didn't have those sort of issues but it was very nice to get a good nights sleep.

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